Support The Civic Theatre

The Lewiston Civic Theatre won overall performance on February 22, 2025 at the I-ACT State Festival and are moving to Regionals in Boise on March 29!
In order to participate in these competitions, we have fees to cover the cost of getting the theatrical rights to do the performance - traveling with our entire set and costumes down to Boise and housing all of our actors and crew while at the competition! (Around 20 people)
Any amount helps! We will be having an Encore Fundraiser Performance on March 15 @ 7 PM and March 16 @ 2 PM as well!
Thank you for supporting live theatre in your community!
The Lewiston Civic Theatre needs the valley's contributions for it's continued success - volunteer, donate, sponsor, or volunteer. No contribution is too small - or too big!
Become a Member
Did you know that most theatre grants are based on membership? It's true. Before the government or a foundation will issue a grant to a theatre, it first takes in to account the number of supporters/members that the theatre has attained.
Volunteers are the life blood of every civic organization. Your theatre is run nearly entirely by volunteers. Performers only make up a small percentage of our volunteer need.
Sponsorship Opportunities
The Lewiston Civic Theatre offers several sponsorship opportunities within our live brochure. Annual or individual program options available. Use the link below to learn more about sponsorship.